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How to raise a gifted kid

Most parents wonder why a particular kid amongst their children is extraordinarily brilliant and passes their exams with flying colors. Some think such a child is average or lucky to have an intelligent brain. No, it is not luck. Your child is gifted and blessed with unique features.

A child is known to be gifted if such a child is highly endowed and possesses some unique mental ability and knowledge. Gifted children are different from their peers in everything. They are more brilliant and talented. These extraordinary gifts make their peers or other children around them envious of them and, as a result, subject them to loneliness which can lead to depression. How can you identify

Traits of a gifted child.

People make the mistake of taking bright children for gifted children. These two may look alike, but they are not the same. Bright children know the answer, while gifted children ask questions to understand their curiosity. Gifted children are always beyond their peers, while bright children top their peers. Are you still confusing bright kids for gifted children, or do you think your child might be gifted? You may be right if they possess some of the traits below.

Gifted children always enjoy learning.

Learning is exciting and fun to gifted children, and they are always curious, so they want to learn more. They are never tired of learning. Instead, they want to learn at every given time and opportunity. They tend to learn quickly and practice what they have learned under little or no supervision.

They are perfectionists.

Gifted kids are born natural perfectionists who constantly strive for flawlessness. In every environment they find themselves in, they can understand what is perfect and become frustrated when they can’t achieve these.

They are highly observant.

Gifted children are keen observers of everything happening around them. They observe every little nonessential thing when reading a book, watching a movie that other people can’t notice. They pay attention to themselves and their environment. As a result, they can retain and process all information at their disposal.

Attention to details

They are detail-oriented and give full attention to little things happening around their environment. In addition, gifted kids have these advantages over other children. They listen attentively to get every detail of information passed to them.

They hate repeating activities or tasks they already know.

Gifted kids are always eager to learn new things but hate repeating activities once they have mastered such activities. For example, a gifted child will be curious about how to learn addition and subtraction. However, once they master these mathematics, they don’t want to practice it again. Instead of like to learn another thing.

Ability to learn things above their age group

Gifted kids are born curious and eager to learn new things. These curiosities and eagerness to learn often drive them into learning things above their age and increase their exposure to things above their age.

They are anxious.

Gifted kids are always anxious about learning. They tend to be deeply absorbed in what interests them and are always anxious to learn more and want to know more. Their anxiety to learn more is an inbuilt trait found in gifted children.

They are high achievers.

They always dream higher and set goals above their age and, most times, above their capacities. Their ability to achieve goals beyond their power is a motivation that drives them to develop higher plans. In addition, they love and embrace challenges, unlike their other peers.

They are critical thinkers

Gifted children are critical thinkers who think about their environment, ask questions, and want to know everything happening around them. They do not just observe things. They critically process them and devise their own opinion about something.

How can parents raise and motivate a gifted child?

I know raising a gifted child can be so complicated and challenging. Their perfectionist features can be a challenge, especially when they can’t achieve their set objectives or lose focus because they believe in their unique gift and talent. In addition, they sometimes suffer depression when some of their peers neglect them because of envy and jealousy of the extra features they possess. In all these, how can parents help their gifted children overcome these challenges and be a better version of themselves?

Allow them to do whatever they want to do.

Parents should understand that gifted children are unique and should be encouraged to do whatever they want. When parents don’t allow such children to do what they want, they lose focus and concentration in life.

Love and accept them the way they are.

Parents of these special children should know that they are unique and accept them the way they are, and help them to nurture their gifts and talents.

Beware of social media distractions.

Social media is a great way to distract children, especially Tiktok Instagram. Therefore, parents should watch and monitor how their children use social media to avoid losing focus on their academics.

Talk and advise them often.

Parent and children talk is essential but mostly overlooked. Create time to talk and advise your children, let them know they are unique, and you will help them achieve their dreams and aspirations with their special gift.

Parents should be involved in their children’s interests.

There is nothing as encouraging to children as knowing that their parents are interested in what they like. Children are happy and excited to share details of everything they encounter with their parents, both their latest achievement and their worst shortcomings.

Empower them with the right tools they need to succeed.

There is no success without empowerment. Parents have the responsibility to help nurture the gift in their children through adequate nurturing and empowerment. This empowerment could be an extra tutor to teach them, constant visits to the library, or continuous buying of more books. Whatever they require to grow, parents should endeavor to provide for them.

Parents should not assume they will always be gifted.

Some parents of gifted kids make the mistake of assuming their kids will always be gifted. It is normal for people to believe that once a genius is forever a genius. Gifts in children are like faster brain development than their peers, which can stop at a particular age and set them at the same pace as their peers. When your child starts experiencing this, make them understand that it is natural and encourage them to continue learning, this will help them stay relevant and not completely lose their gift.

Don’t compare them with others.

Every child is special and unique in its way. Therefore, parents should never compare one kid with another kid. For example, if your child is gifted and always wants to learn new things or asks questions about everything they see, do not compare them with their mates who don’t. Instead, understand them for who they are and help them in every way possible.

Motivate them to do things they are not good at doing or hate.

There are some activities gifted children don’t want to be involved in or hate doing. Always encourage them to face their fears, devise means of overcoming them, and turn them into their desires. For example, if you have a child gifted in sport, music, or dancing but hates going to school. Encourage such children to embrace formal education alongside actualizing their dreams.